Filed in Baptism — June 15, 2016

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Simone’s Baptism

I love officiating weddings, but it is always a privilege to baptize little ones.  On this day it was for Janine and Matt’s daughter, Simone.  I had baptized her older brother Monroe two years ago when he was a baby.  Of course Monroe didn’t remember it, so after Simone’s baptism was over, he wanted to be baptized again.  I was happy to do so.  What a sweet and wonderful family!


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What does Koru mean?

KORU (kor-roo) is the Maori word for “loop.” For the indigenous people of New Zealand, the koru spiral represents a fern frond beginning to unfurl. The koru symbol embodies new beginnings, a new phase of life, renewal, hope for the future, positive change, personal growth, working in harmony, bringing people together, and being mindful of the good things in life.

At Koru Ceremony, we strive to personify these ideals and celebrate a new beginning through ceremony and ritual.

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