Filed in Review, Wedding — July 23, 2018

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Sarah’s post ceremony Selfies


A beautiful hike up the East Bluff of Devil’s Lake State Park was the processional for the wedding ceremony of Bryan and Stephanie.  A clearing high above the lake was chosen to pledge their love, say their vows, and exchange rings in the company of an intimate gathering of immediate family, close friends, and their beloved dog.  Congregations to the both of them with wishes of happiness forever.   ~Sarah Harrison

Thank you Stephanie for writing this very nice review on Wedding Wire:

“Sarah was great to work with, and the ceremony was simple and just how we wanted it to be.”

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What does Koru mean?

KORU (kor-roo) is the Maori word for “loop.” For the indigenous people of New Zealand, the koru spiral represents a fern frond beginning to unfurl. The koru symbol embodies new beginnings, a new phase of life, renewal, hope for the future, positive change, personal growth, working in harmony, bringing people together, and being mindful of the good things in life.

At Koru Ceremony, we strive to personify these ideals and celebrate a new beginning through ceremony and ritual.

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